Sunday, January 29, 2017

Done screwing around with this: Race report, Ramblings, Goals, and Supernatural stuff

This will be long-winded. Sorry, not sorry, because pretty much anyone that knows me knows I talk to damn much so I can't help myself. I'll try and break this up in sections so it's more tolerable. Plus, I really don't care if anyone reads this. I started my blog back up for my own personal motivation. That's it.

Race Report

Uh, yeah that sucked! I mean it was fun though and I'd totally do it again, just not doing the DFL part again. I'm done with that. I apparently didn't follow the directions or read anything on the website when I registered. Totally missed (didn't realize it until I was home either) that there was a 2 hour time limit on the first race. Oops. I clearly was not the only one that missed that part because there was at least a handful of people way over 2 hours. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you to the race directors and other runners for being supportive and nice and not making me feel like a complete idiot and still letting me finish in spite of the piss poor shape I'm in.

Start of race, lining up and I realize every single one of the runners except for maybe 1 or 2 look fast (and those 1 or 2 were men). At this point I realize I'm screwed. I said to the other runners at the start of the race I'm pretty sure I'm going to be last. I've never felt like that and it wasn't negative talk. I'm a good judge of my pace and my competition. I knew I was over my league. Oh well. I was there and I'm not a quitter. Start lap one (1/4 mile track) and get lapped by 2 people before I even get around the first lap. I realize at the end of the first lap I was last. No biggie I'm always slow to warm up. They have a big screen up flashing the place of runners so get to the first lap and confirm I'm last.

Super nice. I got to see that about 37 more times. Nothing more encouraging than seeing last place every.single.time. Thanks for that. It's funny though. I was okay with it. I just thought well I can check that off my list of things to worry about. I've never been DFL before, someone's got to do it. Oh well, keep moving.

About lab 30 though I'll have to be honest first time I ever thought of quitting a race. It was just really discouraging knowing I was not even going to finish in 2:30. I wasn't discouraged about being last. Who cares, but I was discouraged realizing I was running a 12 min pace. I thought I could do better than that.

Anyhow, finished and that's all the thoughts I have on this race. I'm going to run this race again and I think I can PR a half there if I was better trained. Maybe next year.


Trying really hard to put blinders on and stay focused. A 2:30 hour finish means that I am at best looking at a 5 hour marathon with where I am at right now. I have run a 5 hour + marathon before twice. It is not fun. I don't know mentally if I'm up to going over 5 hours again. Therefore the blinders. I'm going to have to block that out of my head in order to get to the starting line. Let me just tell you as an experienced runner now. A 5 hour marathon is harder than a 4 hour one. (Not that I've run a 4 hour one yet, but close enough.) So with that I'm pissed off and going to do my best to get myself in at least better than 5 hour shape because I am just sick of this 12 minute pace crap. I know I can do better.

Goals for February

I have thirty pounds to lose! Eak. Maybe 25 if I'm nice to myself, but that right there is probably number 1 thing holding me back. The scale is not my friend and it keeps messing with my mojo so this is on my goal list for February.

#1 goal - NO stepping on the scale until March 1.
#2 goal - 120 miles for the month
#3 goal - Run 23 days out of the month
#4 goal - Eat healthy 23 days out of the month

The rest of the goals are more fluid. Just keeping up with my exercise spreadsheet and do better on all my goals this month than last month

Supernatural Stuff

As some of you may notice I have a new Supernatural (the TV show) obsession. I am like 7 years behind now. (I've watched 4 seasons already this year. Maybe I started in December.) I will admit to having a mild crush on Jared Padelecki. I'm sure he'd be thrilled to know a mom (albeit a Supermom) to 8 has a crush. He's second hottest guy besides my husband. Girls gotta be faithful to have 8 kids. Anywhooo so I made myself a couple Supernatural running deals to give me a bit of motivation. One if I meet ALL of my goals I am buying me this t-shirt

And you'll likely get a selfie. Other Supernatural related goal - My daughter came up with this on my drive to the hotel for the race. She said I could watch my show because I got my run in for the day. So, I think I'll go with that. If I get my run in for the day, then I can watch my show and no watching it until I get my run in for the day. So that's it. My long winded self.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Try try again

Dang I'm tired of that being my mantra. I can't seem to stay on track for as long as I want. I am really struggling with sleep. Working nights, honestly working period, is tough. That and daycare so I can run during the winter months.  Ugh. Enough whining.

I added healthy eating to my spreadsheet and a goal for 300 days out of the year eating healthy. Today is a new day. I'm going to get something done to knock off my goals for the year. Tracking miles has been a great tool for me to be successful so hoping that adding my diet to my spreadsheet will do the same. Sometimes it helps to see the big picture to see how many days you are doing right versus dwell on the wrong days. Not much else to write for today. Just writing something to keep this blog active (for myself, don't care if anyone else reads it... don't care if you do read it either. I don't put anything in writing and post it on the web unless I'm comfortable with my husband, my children, my grandmother, my coworkers, or anyone else that could stumble across it reading it.)

Sunday, January 1, 2017

4 years since I last posted! Goals for 2017

Wow! It's been a busy 4 years. New baby. New career. (Although neither are really *new* now, but new since I last posted.) Decided this is going to be my comeback year. Last year was getting me warmed up and moving in the right direction, but this year has promise.

So, here's my goals for the new year. I do achieve a lot of my goals when I set them and if I don't I often come close so here goes.  Below is a spreadsheet tracking my progress. What the hell I'm making it public. I don't really care anyway. I don't have that many people that read my stuff anyway.

2017 Exercise Tracking Spreadsheet

So goals for 2017

1500 miles or better. This is doable
15000 pushups, squats, and leg raises for the year
100 weight workouts or better
and be able to do ONE real pullup by the end of the year.

More specific goals
Get back to goal weight
Complete a full marathon
Get my 5K time back under 30 minutes.

Not setting any PR goals for this year because I'm not sure it's realistic. I'll reevaluate that later. I think these are all very achievable goals right now. So with that let's bring on the new year!