Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Time for another 30 Day challenge!

I've been sucking big time! Well, I've been kicking serious butt with school and knocking out classes. I've taken 9 credits worth of CLEP tests in 5 weeks. Plus I am 4 weeks through an 8 week accelerated microbiology class and pulling an A, BUT in the process my running has gone into the crapper and I have gained 3-4 lbs. NOT COOL! I am not big on making excuses so time to get myself refocused. So my 30 day challenges have worked for me in the past so I figure I'll do it again. Be looking for a blog post from me EVERY single day for the next 30 days. They may be short and stupid, but I will be blogging something. (I have not been not exercising or running at all, but I've been missing runs entirely too often and strength training was tossed out the window a long while back.)

So onto what I've decided to do for my challenge.

Monday, Wednesday, & Friday - (Should only take 15 minutes)upper body pick 5 exercises 4 using chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders, and a set of push ups. Do at least 2 sets of each for the first week and increasing to 3 sets (and increasing weight or reps as needed after that).

Thursday, Friday, & Sunday - (Should only take 15 minutes) 5 ab exercises including a set of planks. Starting planks with 30 second hold and we'll see where I get at the end.

Saturday - Walk day. 30-60 minute walk, just to be doing something.

And of course RUNNING - Running goal is real simple stick to coach's schedule. No deviations. Determined to get that back on track as well.

Oops and food goals too - only goal is no binging. I am pretty good with everything else diet wise, but had a few bad binges in the past few weeks. One of my biggest downfalls is I binging when I am stressed. I do much better with it than I used to, but still have episodes now and then.

I will post my starting stats and will reweigh & remeasure at the end of 30 days. I am also posting before and after pics. I wasn't going to post them here as this blog is a little more public to real life friends and family, but decided to go ahead and hope nobody laughs too hard at my belly flab. Yes, I've had 7 kids and um, not been able to get rid of all of that. I'm okay with that. Not expecting perfection.

(And for the record NO I do not think I am fat. This is me fat (for those that have never seen my fat pics -
Me at 213lbs)

I would like to lose the 3 or 4 lbs I gained, but my main goal is getting my fitness back on track. I'm actually pretty happy with my weight. I do want to track weight and measurements though for this just to see how much adding back in strength training makes a difference.)

Now onto the measurements.

weight - 130 lbs

arm -9 3/4 inches
chest @ underarm - 33 inches
chest @ braline - 30 inches
true waist - 27 1/2 inches
@ belly button - 30 inches
hips - 35 1/2 inches
thigh - 20 1/2 inches
calf 12 3/4 inches

(Not stepping on scale or remeasuring until end of 30 days. This should be interesting.)

and finally for the starting picture for this challenge. I apologize for the horrible lighting. My 10 year old daughter is the only one I can get to take pics of me and she didn't do a perfect job, but I figure it gives me a reference point for starting.


I'll be back later today to post how I did with day 1.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I had no idea you were once 213 lbs! You look amazing....don't put too much stress on yourself sound like you have a ton going on...but running will help ease it!! Looking forward to all the posts!
